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Jan 2011
It's with heavy hearts that we grieve the loss of Captain Bill Eaton, who recently passed away after a grueling battle with cancer. Over his near 22-year career in LAPD, Captain Eaton was respected for his talents, ethics and leadership....
Jan 2011
Deputy Mohammed Ahmed On Tuesday night, Los Angeles County Deputy Mohammed Ahmed was shot in the face by career criminal Nestor Torres, who was on the streets of East Los Angeles after being paroled last September for the fourth time...
Jan 2011
The Los Angeles Police Protective League has started airing a “Public Safety First” radio campaign on ESPN radio in Los Angeles. The messages, covering a broad range of law enforcement related topics, will air throughout the day and during...
Jan 2011
The New Year begins with a disturbing report from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. The nonprofit organization that tracks police deaths reported preliminary information last week showing a 37 percent increase in line-of...

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