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An LAPD helicopter made an unexpected landing on Monday at the Chatsworth reservoir.

San Jose's pending deal with the firefighters union to slash pay and benefits to help close a huge budget gap marks the most dramatic thaw in labor relations since Mayor Chuck Reed took office in 2007 railing about runaway employee costs.


From state legislatures to Congress to tea party rallies, a vocal backlash is rising against what are perceived as too-generous retirement benefits for state and local government workers. However, that widespread perception doesn't match reality.

A close...

Bernard Parks: In labor's crosshairs

Bernard Parks: In labor's...

Forget texting and driving or talking on the phone and driving: Those extremely dangerous habits are old hat. The new worry, says a survey released by State Farm this week, is what the insurance company cleverly calls "webbing while driving."

That means...


Taggers who leave their marks on public property will soon find their handiwork showing up in a new kind of gallery. City officials and the Los Angeles Police Department are launching a four-division pilot program that will centralize visual evidence of tags to...


The city's police chief on Wednesday endorsed a proposed ban on the sale of the types of high-capacity ammunition magazines that have been repeatedly used in mass shootings.

If passed, the federal ban would prohibit any magazine that holds more than 10...

Looking to shave retirement costs in the middle of a budget crisis, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa called Wednesday for a rollback in pension benefits and an increase in the retirement age for civilian city workers.

Villaraigosa plans to appear...

Crime reports are up significantly for the latest week in...

Daryl Anthony Sconiers

Daryl Anthony Sconiers...

When he was younger, Derek Kosloski wanted to be a special agent in the FBI. Now a Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officer, he imparts his love of law enforcement on students in Southeast Los Angeles.

Kosloski was on his way to work for the federal...

In recent years, as the city of Los Angeles has spiraled into deeper and deeper financial trouble, leaders have argued that they are cutting back nonessential city services to preserve the government's most basic mission: protecting its residents. What that has...

As labor battles erupt in state capitals around the nation, a majority of Americans say they oppose efforts to weaken the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions and are also against cutting the pay or benefits of public workers to reduce state...

In the face of massive budget cuts and officer layoffs, San Jose police have mothballed the use of a helicopter they have flown for years to find fleeing criminals and missing people.

The San Jose Police Department says it will suspend its flights for at...

The LAPD sought the public's help today in identifying the motorist who hit and critically injured a 92-year-old Reseda man crossing a street in a marked crosswalk.

The unidentified man was hit at 6:08 p.m. Sunday as he crossed Victory Boulevard at...

Responding to news that recently immigrant rights group have interrupted Los Angeles Police Department sobriety checkpoints, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) expressed strong support of sobriety checkpoints and law enforcement's efforts to stop drunk...

With disturbing before and after photos of drug users' faces, a new anti-drug campaign may succeed where others have failed, grabbing teens' attentions by appealing to their vanity.

The pairs of mug shots, which graphically display the damage drugs can...

The Hollywood Hills house where a collapsing ceiling killed a firefighter has been declared a crime scene, police confirmed Thursday.

The 12,500-square-foot home in the 1500 block of North Viewsite Drive is surrounded by yellow crime tape, with a police...

The Los Angeles Police Department said Wednesday it was experiencing a rash of third row seats being taken from General Motors sport utility vehicles at parking lots and shopping malls, including the Topanga and Promenade malls in Woodland Hills.


On the same day federal authorities announced the arrest of a Saudi Arabian man in Texas on charges of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, ABC News today obtained a letter sent by the FBI to businesses across the country, warning them to watch out...

Oakland City Council's finance committee listens to speakers during open forum.

Hundreds of police officers scoured a Saint Petersburg, Florida, neighborhood Tuesday for a police officer's killer, vowing to hold a perimeter around the crime scene until they've searched every nook where a person could possibly hide.

The killing was...

Los Angeles fire officials today warned the public about con artists soliciting donations in the name of a firefighter killed last week when a water-saturated ceiling caved-in on him.

"If anyone tries to contact you via phone, e-mail or front door,...

With the largest housing projects west of the Mississippi and 120 recognized gangs within 10 square miles, the Southeast Division of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is working harder than ever to keep children away from the gang culture.


Los Angeles firefighter Glenn Allen, fatally injured when a water-saturated ceiling collapsed on him last week during a blaze in the Hollywood Hills, will be remembered by colleagues, family and friends at a funeral Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the...

There are two words that should never be in the same sentence: Facebook and Privacy. The exceptions, of course, are if in the same sentence are other words like "don't bet on it", "not a chance" or "aint happenin'". This post isn't about slamming Facebook. I...

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