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The budget for the fiscal year that began July 1, assumes that state prison spending will be reduced by nearly $1.2 billion - but doesn't say how more than $631 million of that savings will be achieved.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says only that it will...

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, after touring the site where a major prison riot occurred 12 days ago, said Wednesday that the state's prison system is "collapsing under its own weight" and called on lawmakers to make changes that could reduce overcrowding and...

There has been a great deal of talk about the salaries and retirement benefits for peace officers in California. And no one, least of all me, will suggest that the men and women in uniform are not being treated better than they have been in the past. However,...

Legislative Democrats will push a commission to create a new system for prison sentences as part of Democrats' prison overhaul plan, which will be voted on the floor of both houses Thursday.

The commission, which has been pushed for by liberal Democrats...

California won't be sending its state prisoners to fill the maximum security prison in Standish, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said today.Granholm said she was notified by California officials Monday night that they would not agree to pay Michigan to house...

You can help pick the replacement for L.A. Police Chief William Bratton.

Bratton is stepping down at the end of October.

And starting next month, the Police Commission will be hosting public meetings for input on the qualities of the next Chief....

Two weeks after federal judges ordered California to reduce its prison population, an arm of the Schwarzenegger administration is set to vote on increased funding to police anti-drug units, potentially putting even more offenders behind bars.

An advisory...

Over objections from Republican lawmakers, the Legislature plans to take up a majority-vote prison package Thursday that is designed to reduce the state's inmate population by 27,300 and is backed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The overall package would...

In his first six weeks as city attorney, Carmen Trutanich is slowly learning the way of big-city politics as he and his staff push his agenda.

Trutanich has tried to adopt the same low profile as his main political mentor, District Attorney Steve Cooley...

Sgt. James Crowley, the white Massachusetts officer who arrested black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., setting off a national debate about race, spoke briefly Monday at a convention of police officers in Long Beach where he was greeted with whistles...

Against a backdrop of deep fiscal distress, several state lawmakers, including those representing the San Fernando Valley, rewarded their employees with pay hikes during the first half of the year, an Associated Press review of legislative pay records showed....

State officials wrestling with efforts to reduce California's prison population - both because of budget cuts and federal court orders - are considering increased use of GPS monitoring to help keep some inmates from being returned to prison. But there already...

Nearly three months after he signed off on a plan to eliminate a $530-million shortfall, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa still has not won enough concessions from city workers to avert deep cutbacks that could hit L.A.'s police hardest.

The City...

The department's critics and supporters weigh in.

Times editorial writer Marjorie Miller asked some of the LAPD's chief critics, supporters and stakeholders to weigh in on what qualities are needed in a new police chief. What follows are edited...

Dozens of firefighters, joined by friends and relatives, knocked on doors on the tree-lined streets of Chatsworth on Saturday, urging residents to complain to their council members about budget cuts to the Fire Department.

The Chatsworth community has...

Come October 31, Los Angeles Police Department Chief William Bratton will be like the marshal in the final act of one of those old Westerns.

Having ridden in some time ago to clean up the town, his work is now finished. The grateful townsfolk beg him to...

One way to save $1.2 billion is the early release of thousands of inmates.

When lawmakers fixed California's deficit-plagued budget last month, they left one aspect of the spending plan unfinished.

The revised budget calls for...

Some L.A.-area high school students have been taking a crash course in racial profiling, discrimination and prejudice during a weeklong program that ends today at the Museum of Tolerance in West L.A.


A new police chief may not be chosen until after resigning LAPD Chief William Bratton leaves the department, the city's personnel manager and Police Commission president said Friday.

"Our timeline projects that our actual selection will occur in November...

Access Hollywood's Billy Bush to host

On Saturday, September 26th at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel, the Los Angeles Police Protective League's Eagle & Badge Foundation will present the 2009 Eagle & Badge Gala Dinner,...

Access Hollywood's Billy Bush to host

On Saturday, September 26th at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel, the Los Angeles Police Protective League's Eagle & Badge Foundation will present the 2009 Eagle & Badge Gala Dinner,...

The exact cause of the 11-hour riot that broke out Aug. 8 at the California Institution for Men in Chino, Calif., won't be known until an official investigation by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is completed. However, to some...

Contract talks between Los Angeles negotiators and the city firefighters union are heating up, and not in a good way.

Mayor Antonio...

A prominent attorney has been tapped to join the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners, filling out the depleted civilian panel at a pivotal time as it begins the search for a replacement for outgoing Police Chief William J. Bratton.


The next governor of California will face a financial crisis of undetermined magnitude, but most of the candidates for the job have offered scant clues as to what they would do about it.

Candidates have a lot to say about boosting state tax revenues by...

The current round of state budget cuts has affected not only state workers, but also the employees of California 's court system.

Beginning Sept. 16, California courts, facing an estimated $415 million in state budget cuts, will be closed on the third...

William J. Bratton, who last week abruptly announced he would retire as head of the Los Angeles Police Department, has a book deal.

Bratton, highly praised for helping reduce crime and ease tension between police and the public, is co-authoring with...

Reporting from Sacramento

Girding for a showdown next week over cuts in the state prison system, Republican lawmakers said Wednesday that there is enough fat in the corrections budget to avert any early release of prisoners from state lockups.


Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa today officially opened the city's new $107-million, high-tech Emergency Operations Center, the nerve center where officials will coordinate the city's response to major earthquakes, wildfires, acts of terrorism and other...

Joshua Hall is left in ruins after Saturday's riot at the California...

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