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Pasadena Police Chief Bernard Melekian, who has overseen the city's police department for 13 years, is retiring and will take a job with the U.S. Department of Justice.

He will head the justice department's Community Oriented Policing Services program, U...

First Assistant Chief Jim McDonnell stands in his empty office at Parker Center...

A new report from a national coalition of mayors urges President Obama to adopt dozens of reforms to help curb gun violence, including steps to crack down on problems at gun shows and the creation of a federal interstate firearms trafficking unit.

The "...

Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley says director Roman Polanski must be brought to justice and that his decades-old guilty plea to sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl should not be taken lightly.


Three weeks before the deadly Station fire erupted, the U.S. Forest Service issued a cost-cutting order to reduce its use of state and local firefighters, documents and interviews show.

Reinforcements from Los Angeles County were scaled back early in the...

After jumping 20 percent in the first six months of 2009, the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty fell sharply during the third quarter of this year and is on pace to reach a five-decade low this year, according to preliminary data...

State prison officials have confiscated 4,130 contraband cellphones this year, more than all those seized in the previous three years combined, according to an internal report released today.


The city of Los Angeles and its police officers are continuing to negotiate over a new labor agreement, but contract talks with city firefighters may have reached an impasse, officials said today.

City officials are trying wipe out a $405 million budget...

The Supreme Court's decision Wednesday to hear a 2nd Amendment challenge to Chicago's handgun ban could open the door to similar lawsuits in cities and states across the nation.

At issue is whether the right to keep and bear arms is a full-fledged...

So it has come to this: Drugging and raping a 13-year-old is now a "so-called crime," for which artistic talent, the approbation of peers, and the passage of time can coalesce to earn the rapist immunity from official sanction, if indeed any was called for in...

Tracy Rodriguez of Houston, Texas, is not a trained private investigator or police officer. But with a gentle tap on her iPhone screen, the mother of three can access information revealing the sex offenders who live within a 10-mile radius of where her children...

It was bad enough that Alejandra's husband had beaten and threatened to kill her and their five children for a dozen years.

But the attacks became even more brutal after the economy tanked, the husband lost his job and seven family members had to squeeze...

The $74-million detention center is likely to be left empty due to cost of hiring additional staff while inmates are held in decrepit Parker Center facility.

For more than four decades, a dreary, two-level jail in a corner of...

DEBATE: Some argue that additions are unwise in time of economic distress.

With a class of 37 police recruits poised to begin training in October, the City Council debated Tuesday whether Los Angeles really needs a 10,000-...

The House passed Wednesday a bill aimed at preventing arson-caused fires, such as the massive Station Fire that tore through the Angeles National Forest last month.

The legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Adam Schiff, would create a national registry of...

SAVINGS: Move will cut costs, avoid some layoffs, furloughs.

The City Council on Wednesday approved a revised plan to offer 2,400 municipal employees cash bonuses to retire early in an effort to save payroll costs and reduce...

After years of delay, the Los Angeles Police Department plans to begin installing video cameras on 300 patrol cars starting next month, an LAPD deputy chief said Tuesday.

Testifying before the Police Commission, Deputy Police Chief Charlie Beck said, "I...

Earlier this year, six stories involving police use of electronic control devices were published in The Los Angeles Times in less than two weeks. A man in Victorville, CA, attacked his family with a box cutter, and then sheriff's deputies subdued him with...

Summer 2009 proved that poor people's best friend is the LAPD, not homeless advocates.

The homeless industry on Los Angeles's Skid Row lost its final shred of legitimacy this summer. Three murders and their aftermath exposed the...

Jennifer Pickett had been away from her Westchester home for only about 10 minutes before she returned to retrieve a forgotten baby bottle.

With her three young children and a friend waiting in the car, Pickett opened the front door of her home at 83rd...

Far be it from me, who has spent the better part of three decades working as a police officer, to encourage anyone to take up a life of crime. But for anyone already disposed toward such a life, a golden opportunity briefly presented itself in the rural burg of...

Even at a time of historically low violent crime, critics argue that overloading...

As Google and Microsoft battle for dominance in technology, a skirmish in Los Angeles City Hall is offering a rare public glimpse into a rivalry that could help determine the fortunes of both companies -- and, quite possibly, how workers in the future will...

A 4-month-old boy was killed and a woman and man were wounded Sunday in the most wrenching among a week of gang shootings that prompted the LAPD to send extra officers to the San Fernando Valley to try to stem the violence.

The infant's death in Van Nuys...

With the deadline for applications now passed, the field of candidates competing for the top job at the Los Angeles Police Department has been set.

A total of 24 people have submitted applications to replace outgoing Police Chief William J. Bratton,...

Eight years and one failed spectrum auction after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., police and fire departments still don't have a national wireless broadband network to communicate with each other, and Congress heard conflicting ideas on how to...

Justice, a longtime community activist from southwest Los Angeles, was known as 'Mama J.' She was appointed to the police panel in 1971 by then-Mayor Sam Yorty.

Marguerite P. Justice, who was hailed as the first black woman to...

Susan Atkins, who committed one of modern history's most notorious crimes when she joined Charles Manson and his gang for a 1969 killing spree that terrorized Los Angeles and put her in prison for the rest of her life, has died. She was 61.

Atkins died...

Police say two women went on a wild "Thelma and Louise''-style crime spree, but it didn't end with a car going over a cliff like the film.

Instead, officers captured both women and they remain behind bars.

"I want to introduce you to our version...

Most of California's unionized state employees are working under expired contracts and there appears little likelihood that new pacts will be negotiated in the near future. A tangle of lawsuits and a bad economy, among other factors, could even push back a...

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