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DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES-More adventures with Downtown News photographer Gary Leonard. He says, "I took another tour of police plaza yesterday (after taking...

SACRAMENTO - As the debate grinds on in the Legislature about how best to slice $1.2 billion from California's crowded prison system, a scathing new audit faults the Corrections Department for its skyrocketing costs and for not doing enough to track the money...

As the City Council prepares to debate ways to close a $530 million budget deficit, LAPD officials insisted Wednesday that any money-saving plan will not include assigning officers to fill civilian jobs guarding city jails.

In a misunderstanding with the...

Outgoing Chief William Bratton says economy not a factor.

Crime in Los Angeles dropped more than 7 percent from a year ago, negating fears that the recession and record-high unemployment would fuel a spike in burglaries and...

To watch the video of this story, click here.

In 54 days, Chief Bill Bratton steps aside as head of the Los Angeles Police Department. Tuesday, he took Eyewitness News on a tour of the new...

Sheriff's homicide detectives searching for the arsonist who set the deadly Station fire are appealing for anyone who travelled on the Angeles Crest Highway just above La Cañada Flintridge around 3:30 p.m. on August 25.

"Obviously if someone saw...

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced today that Guillermo Cespedes, the director of the mayor's renowned Summer Night Lights program to reduce gang violence, will serve as the city's new director of Gang Reduction and Youth Development.


Six domestic violence shelters in California have been forced to close while dozens more are scaling back services after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated all state funding for the program that supports them.

Shelters in the Central Valley town of...

Even as Los Angeles overspends by nearly $1million a day, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa insisted Tuesday he will continue to block any effort to reduce hiring for the Los Angeles Police Department.

The mayor said he will fight a proposal to stop the...

Faced with a $530 million deficit, top city budget officials are suggesting a possible police hiring freeze that would reduce the size of the LAPD by attrition, a concept that was denounced Tuesday by Chief William Bratton and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.


If tens of thousands of inmates are released from state prison over the next two years, they'll bring their HIV, hepatitis C and tuberculosis infections with them back to their communities.

The state prison system's health care delivery is so bad, it was...

Deadlock in the California Legislature over prison cuts is costing taxpayers millions per day as lawmakers debate changing tough-on-crime policies that have sent prison populations and costs soaring.

Democrats, who control the Legislature, are divided...

California officials Friday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block a lower court order that forces the state to quickly devise a plan to shed more than 40,000 inmates from its overcrowded prisons.

In a 46-page petition to Supreme Court Justice Anthony...

Mandatory sentencing laws are relaxed, parole is accelerated, and time off for good behavior is increased as states scramble to save money.

After decades of pursuing lock-'em-up policies, states are scrambling to reduce their...

A permanent injunction restricting the gathering of members of the Barrio Van Nuys gang was granted Thursday by a judge, the City Attorney's Office announced.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge William Fahey approved the permanent injunction, which...

As the Los Angeles Police Commission begins asking the public what the city needs in its next police chief, the city Personnel Department has created an Internet survey to expand opportunities for feedback.

The survey can be viewed at...

For now, the new Los Angeles Police Department headquarters has that new-house feel -- the smell of fresh paint, static electricity off the carpets, walls absent of any handprints.


More than 1,000 firefighters gathered at the Station fire command post at Hansen Dam this morning for a memorial service for two firefighters killed battling a blaze that officials have classified as arson.

More than 1,000...

A panel votes to deny Atkins' request for release on compassionate grounds. She is terminally ill, and doctors say she has months to live. She is serving a life sentence for the murder of Sharon Tate.

For the second time in as...

A three-judge federal court panel has refused California's bid to hold off on coming up with a plan to release more than 40,000 inmates from the state's prison system, forcing the state to keep working on clearing its prisons while pressing an appeal to the U.S...

State Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown today warned Californians who want to help wildfire victims to avoid "sham charities" that rip off good Samaritans after big disasters.

"After virtually every disaster, scam artists come out of the woodwork to defraud...

A memorial is planned later this week for the two Los Angeles County firefighters who lost their lives in the Station fire, an official said today.

The details have yet to be worked out but Capt. Roland Sprewell said it will probably take place Thursday...

In case you were wondering, the state Assembly's prison bill vote on Monday wasn't exactly 100 percent along party-lines.

All of the 41 "yes" votes were cast by Democrats, but not all of the 35 "no" votes came from Republicans. Five Democrats ended up...

Phillip Garrido was registered as a sex offender, required to meet with parole officers and fitted with an ankle bracelet to track his movements - but nothing prevented him from being around children, according to a victims' advocacy group.


California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court a federal court's order that the state reduce its prison population by 40,000 inmates, a spokesman said on Tuesday.

The appeal will be a dramatic escalation in the long-running...

A group of Republican state lawmakers plan Thursday to appeal a federal court order that would force the state to reduce its prison population by 40,000 inmates, the legislators said at Capitol news conference.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the main...

Los Angeles City Councilman Greig Smith today called for the installation of a PIN "duress code" system at bank ATM machines throughout the city, saying such a system might have saved the life of a teen murdered after a robbery attempt July 24.


A new law that should be ready for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's signature this week would allow state courts to seize human traffickers' assets and funnel the money raised by their sale to the local law enforcement agencies that work to shut the operations down...

Some wonder why Phillip Garrido, accused of taking Jaycee Lee Dugard in 1991, served only 11 years of a 50-year federal sentence for a similar 1976 crime.

As details continued to emerge about Jaycee Lee Dugard's alleged...

Firefighters and police put their lives at risk on the job every day. Now, the LAPD is rallying around the family of one of its own.

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