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The proposed state law named for slain Poway teenager Chelsea King, cracking down on sex offenders, passed the Assembly on Thursday, but the unanimous vote may be deceiving.


Cell phones are great - unless the person using one is behind the wheel of a car...

Los Angeles officials Thursday were scheduled to unveil an anti-terrorism program that aims to teach the public how to identify and report suspicious behaviors and activities.

Police Chief Charlie Beck will be joined by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to...

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Thursday signed off on a $6.7 billion city budget that slashes city services, raises fees and could lead to up to 1,700 layoffs.

Villaraigosa made only one minor line-item veto to the spending plan, rejecting the...

Lawmakers in the California Assembly have evoked "Joe the Plumber," Japanese internment and the late novelist Ayn Rand as they battle over a gun control bill that would extend the same reporting requirements and regulations that govern hand guns to rifles and...

Paparazzi could be arrested for loitering outside a celebrity's home or workplace under a measure moving through the California legislature.

The California Assembly passed the bill Thursday on a 41-12 vote. It would make it a crime for individuals to...

The city of Compton's decision to bring back its own police force has generated a range of responses. For a decade, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has handled police services there. But the Compton City Council voted this week to end that contract...

A state apeals court has ruled that Los Angeles police had grounds to enter the home of a pharmacist who had an injured dog inside, and another one found dead in the freezer.

The 2nd District Court of Appeals panel on Thursday rejected Keith Chung's...

The Supreme Court backed off Tuesday from strict enforcement of its historic Miranda decision, ruling that a crime suspect's words can be used against him if he fails to clearly tell police that he does not want to talk.

In the past, the court said the "...

Violent felons are now banned from owning body armor such as the bullet-proof padding used by two bank robbers in 1997's infamous North Hollywood shootout with the LAPD under a state law signed Wednesday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The legislation was...

The top cops in Los Angeles and Boston are making a friendly wager on pro basketball's greatest rivalry.

As the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers prepare to battle in their 12th NBA finals meeting, the police chiefs from both cities placed bets...

San Diego County teenagers Chelsea King and Amber Dubois would probably be alive today if the state prisons agency had not repeatedly fumbled opportunities to put a convicted child molester back behind bars for violating parole, California's inspector general...

A bill that clamps down on municipal bankruptcy filings is headed for Gov. Schwarzenegger's desk, which is bad news for Los Angeles and other cash-strapped California cities.

It the governor signs Assembly Bill 155, it would place a hurdle in the path of...

Personal trainer and cycling instructor Marcella Piersol, left, a regular contributor to the Daily Breeze Health section, will participate in her first AIDS/LifeCycle ride beginning Sunday. The retired LAPD lieutenant will send updates from the road, as she...

You could say Los Angeles Police Sgt. Patrick Shannon took the "take your daughter to work day" very seriously.

Shannon's daughter, Samantha, followed in her father's footsteps and became a LAPD officer about two and one-half years ago.


The state Senate gave its blessing Tuesday to a bill that would establish statewide standards for the installation and operation of traffic enforcement cameras.

Authored by Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, Senate Bill 1362 would require that cameras be...

If there was any theme to last night's large meeting between cyclists and the LAPD, it was that there is a growing distrust of the police force. Nonetheless, officers and leadership vowed that a recent use of force incident that's made headlines this week will...

California's cities are feeling the financial pinch as property and sales tax revenues stagnate or decline and as the spending commitments they made during the now-deflated housing boom, especially bigger payrolls, haunt them.

The Pew Charitable Trusts...

The Justice Department is not prepared to ensure public safety in the aftermath of an attack using weapons of mass destruction, the agency's inspector general said Tuesday in the latest warning about the government's readiness for a catastrophic terrorist event...

After heated debate, Los Angeles County supervisors voted 3 to 2 today to boycott Arizona in response to the passage of its controversial illegal immigration law.


State lawmakers moved Tuesday to vastly expand the powers of the Los Angeles city attorney by supporting a measure that would give him his own grand jury.


When Arizona's new immigration law goes into effect next month, every immigration check performed by the state's 16,000 officers will be under a microscope.

The law requires an officer to determine a person's immigration status if they are stopped,...

Legislation to outlaw the carrying of unloaded handguns in public was passed Tuesday by the Assembly.

The measure, Assembly Bill 1934, received the bare-minimum number of votes necessary, passing 41-25, with Republicans opposed.

The bill was...

You could call it the Los Angeles Police Department's version of a Transformer.


State parole officials are scaling back oversight for thousands of felons, bumping them to supervision levels that require nothing more than mail-in forms - or even a new level that includes no formal supervision at all.


A transient with a long criminal history pleaded guilty to murder Friday and was sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping and killing a 17-year-old girl after she failed to withdraw cash from an automated teller machine with a credit card.


The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating a scuffle between police officers and some bicycle riders participating in a protest Friday night, officials said.

Part of the incident was captured on a handheld video camera and posted on YouTube with...

If Bob Burns is correct, terrorists may betray themselves someday by jiggling on a Nintendo Wii balance board, blinking too fast, curling a lip like Elvis - or doing nothing at all.


It was a thick blue line Thursday as a steady stream of police officers and community members filed through Leak & Sons Funeral Home for the wake of slain Chicago Police Officer Thomas Wortham IV.


Aguid few (a good many) scallywags (mischief seekers) from throughout the Southland will be fidgin fain (restless with anticipation) until Saturday, when they will get off their bahookies (backsides) in droves to byde a wee (spend some time) at the pure dead...

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