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Charlie Beck, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, has spoken out against Arizona's new law on illegal aliens. The only surprise in this is that it took so long.

Chief Beck is an honorable man and is - so far, at least - respected within the ranks...

Police Chief Anthony Batts said Thursday he is "very concerned" about the possibility of losing a significant number of police officers in a department he said is already overworked.


As crime-busy summer months approach, a temporary backup California Highway Patrol deployment for Vallejo will be tied to the state's next budget, city police officials said.

A gang-oriented CHP task force will be unavailable to come to Vallejo before...

Just weeks after the failed car bombing of New York's Times Square, the Department of Homeland Security says "the number and pace of attempted attacks against the United States over the past nine months have surpassed the number of attempts during any other...

San Francisco police and firefighter union officials reached tentative deals Tuesday to forgo pay raises as Mayor Gavin Newsom seeks concessions from all city workers to help bridge a historic budget deficit, officials said.


A new poll shows Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley and San Francisco top prosecutor Kamala Harris leading their respective parties' primaries for California attorney general.

The poll by New Jersey-based SurveyUSA, taken for four California...

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck joined other law enforcement leaders in Washington on Wednesday to slam Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigration, saying it could cripple police work and drive a wedge between officers and the communities they are trying...

Los Angeles is one of the nation's most fiscally troubled big cities, according to a study by the Pew Charitable Trusts.

While all of the 13 cities in Pew's ongoing examination are feeling the budgetary pinch of recession, Los Angeles' deficit, about 11...

A divided Los Angeles City Council sent Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa a revised version of his $6.7 billion budget, calling for the layoffs of up to 1,761 workers, furloughs for municipal employees and reductions in popular programs.

The 10-3 vote calls for...

A Phoenix police officer was shot and killed while searching for a man near Indian School Road and 19th Avenue early Wednesday morning.


Citing the city's dire financial condition, the Santa Rosa city council on Tuesday voted 6-0 to establish a two-tiered pension system for all of its workforce except police and firefighters.

Over the objections of a handful of maintenance and utility...

The parents of 14-year-old Amber Dubois, who was abducted and murdered last year in northern San Diego County, have announced legislation designed to find missing children more quickly and keep a closer watch on sex offenders. Amber's parents, Moe Dubois and...

The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday came out in support of state legislation banning the carrying of unloaded weapons in public.

Assembly Bill 1934 would make it a misdemeanor for individuals to carry a handgun in public places.


About a dozen major city police chiefs will meet today with Attorney General Eric Holder to oppose the controversial Arizona immigration law that they fear could drive a wedge between the community and local law enforcement.The police coalition, including...

Homicides in Los Angeles continued to outpace the numbers for the same time in 2009, according to the Los Angeles Police Department's latest CompStat...

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca on Tuesday blasted cuts to mental health services in the Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget, saying they would burden the county's already overcrowded jails.


The Los Angeles Police Department is ready to equip more of its patrol cars with video cameras, according to the official in charge of the program, who said today the high-tech devices performed well in recent field tests.


A Los Angeles City Council panel backed a proposed ordinance Monday that would raise ambulance fees by 37% starting July 1, the first of several strategies for passing the city's budget woes on to consumers.

The proposal would increase the transportation...

The father of slain Escondido teenager Amber Dubois recognizes that legislation he plans to unveil Tuesday could receive a hostile reception in some Capitol corners.


Crime in the United States dropped dramatically in 2009, bucking a historical trend that links rising crime rates to economic woes. Property crimes and violent offenses each declined about 5 percent, the FBI said Monday, citing reports from law enforcement...

A man has been sentenced to 40 years to life in prison for shooting and wounding a Los Angeles police officer in 2008.

Prosecutors say 30-year-old Samuel Jackson got the maximum sentence in Superior Court Monday for shooting Officer Owen Berger.


The race for California's chief law enforcement officer is among the state's most hotly contested in both the Democratic and Republican primaries.

The field includes four legislators, two district attorneys, a former city attorney, a constitutional law...

Class was in session the other day in a squat building overlooking MacArthur Park. The assignment: "Baby Mama Drama."


A state corrections department analysis of a bill being considered by California lawmakers has found that mandating life sentences for some child molesters and lifetime parole for others would cost tens of millions of dollars annually after the first decade....

An Ohio man's resentment of authority and run-ins with the law prompted a local sheriff to warn that he may be dangerous if confronted by law enforcement. Years later, it appears the sheriff was right.

Authorities said Friday that 45-year-old Jerry Kane...

The case of Leonard Scroggins, a Northern California sex offender who police suspect in a brazen rash of South Bay robberies and kidnap attempts, is prompting new complaints about the state's handling of serial criminals.


At least two influential unions will spend close to $100 million on the 2010 election, with most of those funds going to protect incumbents.

Union officials told The Hill they plan to help endangered members - particularly freshmen - who made politically...

Aiyana Stanley-Jones

Aiyana Stanley-Jones


The Los Angeles Police Department is closing four evidence rooms Friday, but data will continue to be stored at the department's 17 other stations.

Rooms at the LAPD's Newton, Wilshire, West Valley and North Hollywood stations are being shut down, police...

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