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Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal for the University of California and its medical schools to manage healthcare for the state's prison inmates, including via the Internet, received significant criticism Thursday at a hearing before the university's regents...

Facing political fire, the state's largest public pension fund Wednesday retreated for a month from a plan to approve a $700-million increase in taxpayer contributions it gets from the state and about 1,000 school districts.


California's public pension funds would have to report the ethnicity and gender of some of the outside investment managers they hire under a bill that passed the state Assembly on Thursday.

The bill states that businesses owned by women and minorities...

Nine immigration-rights protesters have been arrested after blocking the street in front of a West Los Angeles federal building near UCLA. California Highway Patrol Officer Miguel Luevano says the demonstrators lay down on Wilshire Boulevard in front of the...

More than 350 immigrant detainees in the Los Angeles area have been held behind bars longer than six months while fighting deportation, according to a list recently released by the federal government.

The list of names was turned over to the American...

The 15-member Los Angeles City Council is well known for moving in lock step, approving large-scale development projects, lucrative labor agreements and even a boycott of Arizona with little or no dissent.

But this year's protracted fight over City Hall...

The independent watchdog of the Los Angeles Police Department vowed Tuesday to tackle a backlog of public reports on police shootings and other violent encounters with suspects.

Nicole Bershon, the newly selected inspector general of the Los Angeles...

Incensed that the City Council approved an economic boycott of his state, an Arizona official has threatened to have utilities there withhold power sales to Los Angeles.

There's only one problem with his plan: The Los Angeles Department of Water and...

It was February 6, 2008, a fateful day for the Los Angeles Police Department.

As a barrage of bullets were exchanged between Los Angeles police officers and a barricaded gunman who had killed several family members in Winnetka, Officer Randal David...

Unused leave and vacation time could cost the state's prison system anywhere between $546 million and $1 billion in coming years - a problem exacerbated by understaffing and furloughs, according to a report on prison health care released yesterday by State...

A report from California State Auditor Elaine Howle on Tuesday found that specialty health care for prisoners cost the state $734 million in 2007-08, a figure that advocates say bolsters the case for a medical parole system for incapacitated inmates.


CalPERS was told Monday to expect lower investment returns over the next 10 years, a development that could put more pressure on taxpayers and workers to increase contributions to the pension fund.

A host of consultants and CalPERS staff members said the...

The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a law that lets the U.S. government keep inmates behind bars who have served their time but are deemed "sexually dangerous."By a 7-2 vote, the justices rejected a claim that Congress had exceeded its authority in passing the...

Police are searching for a suspect who stabbed a firefighter who was responding to a call at a downtown Los Angeles hotel.

Officials say firefighter Charles MacDougall, a nine-year department veteran, is hospitalized in stable condition after Tuesday...

Longer sentences and tougher parole conditions proposed in "Chelsea's Law" targeting sex offenders would cost taxpayers little initially, but the price tag could climb into the tens of millions annually, according to a pair of just-released fiscal reports....

SF Sheriff Michael Hennessey


A key CalPERS committee today voted to raise the state's annual contribution to the pension fund by $600 million in the upcoming fiscal year. CalPERS' full board will vote on the increase Wednesday.

The increase means the state's annual tab for CalPERS...

Having adopted a $6.7 billion budget for next year, Los Angeles City Council members said Tuesday it is up to the city's labor unions to determine the scope of any layoffs and furloughs for municipal workers.

The budget adopted Monday stipulates the...

Declaring contract talks were truly at an "impasse," Carlsbad's City Council terminated negotiations Tuesday with the city's Firefighters' Association and voted to impose a contract that contains a two-tiered retirement system with lower benefits for new...

A Santa Monica police officer shot by the passenger in a vehicle stopped for a DUI check was expected to survive, and the suspected gunman was also hospitalized after being shot by SWAT officers.

The police officer was shot in the abdomen, just below his...

A federal jury rejected a Venice surfer's claim that two LAPD officers unnecessarily punched and pepper-sprayed him in 2006, after he refused to follow a lifeguard's orders to leave the water.

The five-man, three-woman civil jury returned its verdict...


The Supreme Court for the first time on Monday put a strict constitutional limit on prison terms, ruling it is cruel and unusual punishment to send a young criminal to prison for life with no chance for parole for a crime that does not involve murder.


Five hours into a meeting on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's proposed budget Monday, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to preserve the mayor's plan for hiring enough police officers to replace those who resign or retire.


A divided Los Angeles City Council voted Monday to move ahead with plans to eliminate 761 positions while continuing to seek concessions from the unions that represent thousands of city employees.


LAPD Officer Kristina Ripatti was just 'doing her job' when her life was irrevocably altered....

Dozens of California parole violators showed up to claim a very attractive offer: $200 and amnesty. And dozens of parole violators found themselves in handcuffs and, for most, headed back to prison.

In a corrections department variation on the old bait-...

It's been a banner year for a toll-free tip line that citizens can call to report immigration violations. Fueled in part by citizens fed up with illegal immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials received nearly 100,000 calls to the tip line...

Three days before they are scheduled to vote on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's proposed budget, council members jockeyed Friday to find ways to avoid hundreds of layoffs, by proposing fees, reworking the numbers and demanding concessions from public employees....

It happens every spring in Washington. Police cruisers from departments around the country show up on downtown streets around the middle of May. It's National Police Week, when thousands of law enforcement officers gather to honor colleagues who died in the...

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