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Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa says the city's weekend gun buyback program has removed 2,500 firearms from the streets. The mayor called the roundup the most successful ever - it collected about 800 more guns this year than last. The payoff - grocery...

Lines of cars with guns stashed in backseats or trunks stretched for miles at various points around the city on Saturday as thousands clamored for cash in exchange for anonymously offering their unwanted firearms to police.


A Los Angeles city councilman has called for a new citywide tax on billboards, digital signs and supergraphic advertisements, saying the proceeds could go a long way toward easing the city's long-term budget woes.

Councilman Herb Wesson sent a letter...

Los Angeles officials agreed Friday with former Mayor Richard Riordan that the city needs to reform its pension system, but disputed his contention that bankruptcy should be part of the process.

"Declaring bankruptcy, ultimately, has an impact on the...

Officer William Grundy with the Los Angeles County Police is sworn to uphold the law, but we found that he has hundreds of unpaid parking tickets for personal vehicles registered in his name.

Officer Grundy was happy to see me until he found out why we...

Seven local law-enforcement officers were honored Thursday by Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine, who presented them with "Z Awards For ExZellence" in recognition of outstanding public service.

Zine, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and community leaders...

A state lawsuit targeting two top former officials of the California Public Employees' Retirement System could be the first in a series of state and federal actions focused on the nation's largest public pension fund.

"This is not the end of this case or...

When LAPD Public Information Director Mary Grady discusses the department's community-based counterterrorism initiative known as iWatch, she repeatedly refers to "suspicious activities and behaviors." That's a specific and intentional phrase, with "activities...

Los Angeles Police Department officials acknowledged Wednesday that they disbanded a counter-terrorism unit earlier this year as part of Chief Charlie Beck's efforts to put more patrol officers on the streets amid budget cuts.

The Protective Security...

Traffic in parts of downtown L.A. were jammed because of a demonstration by critics of Arizona's new law cracking down on illegal immigrants.


Lawmakers on Wednesday approved a $250,000 probe into state Department of Mental Health practices that will include dissecting why so few potentially dangerous sexually violent predators up for parole are kept locked away in treatment facilities.


This Saturday, May 8, is the 2nd annual city-wide gun buyback program.

Go to one of the five drop off locations with any type of weapon you want to get rid of and you may receive up to $100 in gift cards for hand guns and up to $200 for assault weapons (...

When a top-secret prototype of Apple Inc.'s new iPhone went missing recently, the computer giant summoned Silicon Valley's version of the cavalry -- an elite squad whose main mission is investigating crimes against high-tech companies.


Los Angeles city prosecutors began notifying 439 medical marijuana dispensaries Tuesday that they must shut down by June 7, when the city's ordinance to regulate the stores takes effect. It's the first step in what could be a lengthy and expensive legal battle...

On May 4, 2010, the members of the Police Commission unanimously elected Police Commissioner Alan J. Skobin as Vice President of the five member panel. The Vice President serves with the Police Commission President as the leadership team, and also fills all of...

Los Angeles is facing a terminal fiscal crisis: Between now and 2014 the city will likely declare bankruptcy. Yet Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the City Council have been either unable or unwilling to face this fact.

According to the city's own...

Scores of inmates at Men's Central Jail have alleged serious physical abuse by deputies -- broken ribs, black eyes and head wounds that needed to be stapled shut, according to...

Uniformed officers, city officials and family members joined together today to pay tribute to the 203 officers who have died while serving the Los Angeles Police Department since 1907.


The force faced the threat of job losses due to the city's cash crunch but other services will be slashed instead, a city spokesman said on Wednesday.

The attempted car bombing has focused attention on security threats to New York.

The city did...

The city of San Diego is suing its retirement system in a dispute regarding how much financial responsibility, if any, city workers should bear for a pension deficit topping $2 billion.

If successful, the lawsuit could lead to city workers helping pay...

The Pakistani-American suspect arrested on suspicion of trying to detonate a car bomb in New York's Times Square told investigators he acted alone and denied any ties to radical groups in his native Pakistan, a U.S. law enforcement official familiar with the...

A months-long dispute between the City Council and the Department of Water and Power ended Tuesday when the utility agreed to release $73.5 million that it had withheld during the battle over power rates.

DWP Interim General Manager Austin Beutner, in an...

As the Los Angeles Police Department struggles to maintain its staffing numbers amid a historic city budget crisis, Councilman Tom LaBonge on Tuesday pointed to a spike in crime in some of the Northeast Los Angeles communities he represents.


Coroner's officials reported 11 killings in Los Angeles County between April 26 and May 2, bringing the year-to-date total to 222, according to data collected for the Times' Homicide...

Kelley Warren was 2 years old when her father, an officer in the Los Angeles Police Department's Van Nuys Division, was killed on May 8, 1967.


The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating a bomb threat made to the office of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Monday, just days after the nation was put on edge with a failed car-bomb attack in New York's Time Square.

The police bomb squad swept...

State and local government workers earn less than comparable workers in the private sector, a new study by two economics professors finds, even when pension and other benefits are included.

The study commissioned by two public employee-connected research...

Three Los Angeles municipal departments are unable to account for about a quarter of their equipment - merchandise valued at nearly $1 million - pointing to a worrisome lack of inventory control, an audit released Monday found.

While City Controller...

An editorial in today's Wall Street Journal (subscription required) calls for more aggressive tactics in interdicting terrorists...

The overwhelming majority of Americans think the country's immigration policies need to be seriously overhauled. And despite protests against Arizona's stringent new immigration enforcement law, a majority of Americans support it, even though they say it may...

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